The challenges players experience in games reflect their unique developmental needs. The better we (coaches) can describe game challenges our players experience, the more likely we are to choose training sessions to meet their needs.
Below is a practical application of U.S. Soccer’s Grassroots Roadmap. It is a player-centric tool that can be used to select a training session based roughly* on the needs of your team/players. Just follow these simple steps:
- Select the Game Format (4v4, 7v7, 9v9, or 11v11) for your respective team.
- Select the Team Function (Attacking or Defending) your team needs to improve. Note: Transitioning is built into each training session.
- Follow the logical progression from there!
*The next step in your coaching journey is designing training sessions that are even more likely to meet the needs of your players. Interested in learning more? Email our Executive Director, Chris Bentley.
Grassroots Training Session Tool & Library
[We highly recommend that you take the FREE U.S. Soccer Intro to Grassroots Coaching Course (20 Minute Course) and learn more about U.S. Soccer’s Play Practice Play (PPP) Methodology prior to using this tool]
4v4 Game Format
Improve Attacking (i.e. your team is not creating &/or converting enough goal scoring chances)
Step 1 – Describe where there is a pattern of turnovers taking place for your team on the field using the following diagram. Consideration: Throughout a particular game, note the origin of each of your team’s turnovers on the diagram using the respective player’s number.
Step 2 – Select a training session below for the corresponding area of the field in which your team has a pattern of turnovers.
Improve Building Up in Own Half
Improve Building Up in Opposition’s Half
Improve Scoring Goals
Step 3 – Reflect for/in/on your selected training session using the Grassroots Training Session Manual.
Step 4 – Repeat!
Improve Defending (i.e. your team is not preventing &/or neutralizing enough goal scoring chances)
Step 1 – Describe where there is a pattern of ball recoveries taking place for your team on the field using the following diagram. Consideration: Throughout a particular game, note the origin of each of your team’s ball recoveries on the diagram using the respective player’s number.
Step 2 – Select a training session below for the area on the field in advance (closer to the opposition’s goal) of where your team’s pattern of ball recoveries take place (i.e. your team’s ball recoveries tend to take place in your own half while disturbing the build up? Choose a session for disturbing the build up in the opposition’s half). Note: If your team is conceding too many goal scoring chances and/or goals, choose a session for preventing goals!
Improve Disturbing Build Up in Opposition’s Half
Improve Disturbing Build Up in Own Half
Improve Preventing Goals
Step 3 – Reflect for/in/on your selected training session using the Grassroots Training Session Manual.
Step 4 – Repeat!
7v7 Game Format
Improve Attacking (i.e. your team is not creating &/or converting enough goal scoring chances)
Step 1 – Describe where there is a pattern of turnovers taking place for your team on the field using the following diagram. Consideration: Throughout a particular game, note the origin of each of your team’s turnovers on the diagram using the respective player’s number.
Step 2 – Select a training session below for the corresponding area of the field in which your team has a pattern of turnovers.
Improve Building Up in Own Half
Improve Building Up in Opposition’s Half
Improve Scoring Goals
Step 3 – Reflect for/in/on your selected training session using the Grassroots Training Session Manual.
Step 4 – Repeat!
Improve Defending (i.e. your team is not preventing &/or neutralizing enough goal scoring chances)
Step 1 – Describe where there is a pattern of ball recoveries taking place for your team on the field using the following diagram. Consideration: Throughout a particular game, note the origin of each of your team’s ball recoveries on the diagram using the respective player’s number.
Step 2 – Select a training session below for the area on the field in advance (closer to the opposition’s goal) of where your team’s pattern of ball recoveries take place (i.e. your team’s ball recoveries tend to take place in your own half while disturbing the build up? Choose a session for disturbing the build up in the opposition’s half). Note: If your team is conceding too many goal scoring chances and/or goals, choose a session for preventing goals!
Improve Disturbing Build Up in Opposition’s Half
Improve Disturbing Build Up in Own Half
Improve Preventing Goals
Step 3 – Reflect for/in/on your selected training session using the Grassroots Training Session Manual.
Step 4 – Repeat!
9v9 Game Format
Improve Attacking (i.e. your team is not creating &/or converting enough goal scoring chances)
Step 1 – Describe where there is a pattern of turnovers taking place for your team on the field using the following diagram. Consideration: Throughout a particular game, note the origin of each of your team’s turnovers on the diagram using the respective player’s number.
Step 2 – Select a training session below for the corresponding area of the field in which your team has a pattern of turnovers.
Improve Building Up in Own Half
Improve Building Up in Opposition’s Half
Improve Scoring Goals
Step 3 – Reflect for/in/on your selected training session using the Grassroots Training Session Manual.
Step 4 – Repeat!
Improve Defending (i.e. your team is not preventing &/or neutralizing enough goal scoring chances)
Step 1 – Describe where there is a pattern of ball recoveries taking place for your team on the field using the following diagram. Consideration: Throughout a particular game, note the origin of each of your team’s ball recoveries on the diagram using the respective player’s number.
Step 2 – Select a training session below for the area on the field in advance (closer to the opposition’s goal) of where your team’s pattern of ball recoveries take place (i.e. your team’s ball recoveries tend to take place in your own half while disturbing the build up? Choose a session for disturbing the build up in the opposition’s half). Note: If your team is conceding too many goal scoring chances and/or goals, choose a session for preventing goals!
Improve Disturbing Build Up in Opposition’s Half
Improve Disturbing Build Up in Own Half
Improve Preventing Goals
Step 3 – Reflect for/in/on your selected training session using the Grassroots Training Session Manual.
Step 4 – Repeat!
11v11 Game Format
Improve Attacking (i.e. your team is not creating &/or converting enough goal scoring chances)
Step 1 – Describe where there is a pattern of turnovers taking place for your team on the field using the following diagram. Consideration: Throughout a particular game, note the origin of each of your team’s turnovers on the diagram using the respective player’s number.
Step 2 – Select a training session below for the corresponding area of the field in which your team has a pattern of turnovers.
Improve Building Up in Own Half
Improve Building Up in Opposition’s Half
Improve Scoring Goals
Step 3 – Reflect for/in/on your selected training session using the Grassroots Training Session Manual.
Step 4 – Repeat!
Improve Defending (i.e. your team is not preventing &/or neutralizing enough goal scoring chances)
Step 1 – Describe where there is a pattern of ball recoveries taking place for your team on the field using the following diagram. Consideration: Throughout a particular game, note the origin of each of your team’s ball recoveries on the diagram using the respective player’s number.
Step 2 – Select a training session below for the area on the field in advance (closer to the opposition’s goal) of where your team’s pattern of ball recoveries take place (i.e. your team’s ball recoveries tend to take place in your own half while disturbing the build up? Choose a session for disturbing the build up in the opposition’s half). Note: If your team is conceding too many goal scoring chances and/or goals, choose a session for preventing goals!
Improve Disturbing Build Up in Opposition’s Half
Improve Disturbing Build Up in Own Half
Improve Preventing Goals
Step 3 – Reflect for/in/on your selected training session using the Grassroots Training Session Manual.
Step 4 – Repeat!
This page has been developed in partnership with U.S. Soccer. All U.S. Soccer-specific items provided on this page (& much more) can be found on the U.S. Soccer Learning Center. Sign up today!